Thursday, November 20, 2014

Counseling with you Spouse and Families

In class this week we were able to study the way the Prophet, his counselors, and the 12 apostles meet in counsel each week. This is the process they use.
  • First, they gather together before the meeting starts and express their love for each other
    • Next, they open the meeting in prayer to invite the Spirit to be with them
      • Then, they discuss important matters and try to discern what the Lord would have them do. During this discussion, each member is given the opportunity to share what they think the Lord would want. They continue to discuss until they reach a consensus, or every agrees that this is what the Lord wants. If consensus is not reached, they address the topic another time.
    • After that, they close with prayer. 
  • Before they leave they have refreshments together and again bond together.
There are some other important aspects to this meeting.
  • They meet in the Temple: a very sacred place
  • They always meet at the same time: they have regular meetings that allow everyone to plan their schedules to be there
  • They have an agenda: everyone will be able to prepare for what is going to be discussed
This form of counseling that the Prophets follow is an example of what should take place in our homes. We should have regular meetings where members will feel loved in expressing what they think the Lord would have the family or couple do. In our families we should seek to find what the Lord would have us do, for his plan is always better than anything we can come up with. Inviting the Spirit through prayer will help us discern what the Lord would have us do. Meeting in our homes (a sacred place), at the same time, with an agenda, will allow everyone to be present having prepared before hand. I know that if we follow the example of the prophets, our families will be blessed with direction from our Heavenly Father.

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